Sunday 25 April 2010

Revelation over information

I come across a lot of people who can quote scripture back to front and know all the historical knowledge there is to know about the days of when the Bible was written. But the unfortunate thing I have found about some of these people is that I don’t get a sense of genuine love or feel for the Holy Spirit in anything they say. I reckon that your average person is not going to care too much about information although it is important. What they may want to know is does what you say have a reflection on your life? If we’re not careful we can be a bit too clever for our own good and miss the point of what it’s all about which is Gods love and grace.
Sometimes our brain/intellect can actually hold us back from seeing His amazing wonders and what He has already done for us!
Nicodemus struggled with this same problem with his first coffee, cake and chat with Jesus in John 3. Nicodemus was a teacher of Israel but (at this point) was not a man of the Spirit so then is confused and asks Jesus “How can these things be?” Jesus answers him by saying, “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand these things?” Jesus later on has a joke with good old Nico by saying “mate these are simple earthly basic fundamental things I am talking to you about, you’re not ready yet for the heavenly things. 
I love the story when Jesus asks Peter who he thinks that He is. When Peter responds by saying that he sees Jesus as the Christ, Jesus’ response is to say to Peter “Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you”, dare I (me) say the Bible alone didn’t show you this i.e. it was the Spirit that was able to open up Peters eyes to see for himself.
I’m not knocking studying the Bible etc. But God wants us to have a relationship with him. A lot of times we can fall into the trap of using the Bible or a pastor as almost like a mutual friend between us and God. You might first meet your partner through a mutual friend but at some point in order to really get to know each other you have to go on a date with just the two of you. (The pastor is probably the last person you want there).


  1. Point well made Quiet Storm. Living the Word means spending time with God in your own way, having a natural (Spirit) relationship that flows into other areas of your life, such as the relationships that you have with others. It is not just about being a spectator that 'knows' everything about what the Word has done, said or is. No man is an island. However, a group of islands,are connected by the mere fact that they share the same body of living water that ebbs and flows on to the many shores. Depositing and taking different grains of sand on the various shore lines. I.e relationships that impact on your life.

  2. I enjoyed reading this, Quiet Storm. Although it is very important to be familiar with the bible, like you said, it is also important to be building and maintaining one's relationship with the Godhead. To be fair, as Christians we need to be strengthening all areas of our walk whether it be bible study, prayer, fellowship, fruits of the Spirit, etc etc as well as our relationship with others and most importantly Christ.

    Really liked the beautiful island analogy above.

  3. we are all different and revelation can come in many ways... the way we recieve things ,the medium is just as important as the what is said.
    Jesus told many parables but these weren't merely oral tales, they related to peoples everyday lives and as such the 'meduim' of those storeies spoke as much about God as the content.

  4. Well I really liked this stuff great keep it up worth the read....

  5. I 'see' what you're saying and agree. I think it's open to abuse if not fully qualified though, as there are those who deviate or become sensationalist, justifying this with it's 'God's/Holy Spirits leading'. Of course the framework is that the leading will be consistent with the ethos of the Bible, though not always generated by any recent Bible-reading/study. More out of meditating on Him. The results of the correct application is very practical & tangible. Hopefully this helps qualify your point.

  6. Good stuff. It's about being real and knowledge, without the Spirit does not lead us very far. It is good to have the knowledge because without the knowledge we do not know the fundamentals of our faith but the Spirit is what it is about. Balance is key and a true relationship is the point of our faith.

  7. I wouldn't mind a coffee, cake & chat with you! There's lots of good stuff here and it would seem their implications are far-reaching.

  8. What can I say? You have summed it all up really. God is living, as is His word. Our relationship with God needs to be alive too. How can we have a relationship if we never get past the pages of our Bible? Study the word, yes, but allow the Spirit to minister to you also. When the Spirit and the Word come together, wow! Just watch God move.

  9. True. I also think that someone mindset determines a lot of what they get out of reading scripture. Most people will read it in such a way as to back up what they already think is true etc.
